Yasurai Matsuri- Yasurai Festival
It is almost the time for cherry blossoms full-blown.
There is a festival called 'Yasurai matsuri' which is one of the Kyoto-sandai-kisai (Kyoto three strange festival).
It was originated to appease plague which become epidemic in springs.
People believed that the spirits of flowers will help to keep away these plague.
This ceremonial event is passed to generations, now it became a famous festival in Kyoto.
People who dressed up with traditional cloth and 'oni style (ogre)'will stroll around the area.
It is believed that if you get into underneath of a umbrella, state of perfect health is promised for the year.
Time:10th of April, 2011 11:00~16:00
Place: Imamiya shrine, Genbu shrine, Kawakamidaijingu-shrine
Access:Imamiya shrine city bus 206, off at 『Funaokayama』,Genbu shrine city bus 206, off at『Daitokujimae』, Kawakamidaijingu-shrine city bus 9, off at『Nishigamoshakomae』
For more information↓↓
Imamiya shrine
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